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Why mulch? 7 benefits of mulching

Mulch is a valuable for your trees health and care, mulching is one of the best things you can do for your garden. Mulching is when you cover your plants and soil with a protective barrier. This protective barrier can be made up of a variety of decomposing organic materials, including bark or wood chips, pine needles, straw, and coco bean shells, or non decomposing or non-organic such as, black plastic, landscaping fabric, recycled tires, pebbles, and river rock. The benefits of mulching are vast, but we will just talk about seven.

1. Controls Weeds

Through the use of mulch, you can lessen the amount of weeds that spring into your garden. The mulch acts as a barrier, limiting the amount of sunlight getting to the weeds.

2. Retains Moisture

Organic mulches absorb water. Organic and non-organic varieties both cover the soil and limit evaporation. Retaining moisture, especially during hot, dry seasons, can not only help your plants, but your water bill too.

3. Prevents Soil Erosion

Mulching not only keeps water trapped in the soil, it also keeps rain water from washing away your soil. It takes the fall of the water and lessens the force of the water.

4. Maintains Soil Nutrients

Not only does mulch help keeping your soil safe from the rain, but it can also release nutrients into the soil when using organic materials. This happens as the organic material slowly decomposes on top of the soil.

5. Controls Pests

Using certain types of mulch, such as cedar bark, can deter certain pests due to the fact that the cedar bark has natural oils that act as insect repellent. To get the full benefit, be sure to fins a mulch that is very fragrant, this will have the biggest affect on insects. But be warned, some mulches can encourage insects to flock in your garden and sometimes your house, so be sure to now exactly what type of mulch you are using and what best fits your needs.

TIP: Our landscaping expert, Robert suggest, "When mulching your garden beds, avoid pilling the mulch against the trunk or stems of plants. This can lead to insect and disease issues. Another thing to keep in mind is not to use too much mulch, generally 2-4 inches of mulch is recommended for most plants."

6. Encourages Earth Worm To Move In

Using organic materials for mulching can encourage Earth worms to occupy your garden soil. As any good gardener will say "Earth worms help improve soil structure and nutrient cycling."

7. Polishes Up Your Garden

Mulch can give your garden a finished look by filling in the empty spaces while being one of the easiest fillers to maintain. Grass, groundcovers, and other fillers may take expensive care, such as mowing and watering, as well ascompeting fpr resources with your garden plants. Mulch is easy to take care for and never competes with your other plants.

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